Involved in an accident!

We are here to help.. Our team has a wealth of experience, with over 20 years expertise and knowledge in Claims Management.

What to do

What to do if you had an accident

What to do


VRL is committed to mitigating the inconvenience suffered by our clients and potential valuable time lost when faced with dealing with a non-fault accident claim.


If you are involved in a road accident, please try and adhere to the following:

  1. If you or your passengers have suffered injuries, or suspect that the other driver may have been be driving under the influence of alcohol, then call the emergency services without delay.
  2. Do not admit liability under any circumstances to the other driver or their insurer at the accident scene or after the event.
  3. In general terms you should avoid speaking with the insurer of the negligent driver after the accident and should seek assistance from VRL as early as possible.
  4. Be aware that anything that you say to the other party will probably be recorded and it may prejudice the outcome of your claim.
  5. At the scene of the accident, you should obtain as many of the following details from the other driver, or drivers of any additional vehicles involved in your collision.
    • Name, address and phone number
    • Vehicle registration number, make and model
    • Exact damage and the location of the damage
    • Insurance company and policy number
    • Name, address and phone number of any witnesses
    • A plan of the accident scene and, if you have a camera with a phone, some photographs.
  6. Telephone our accident claim centre on 0141 483 8699 and we will advise if we are able to assist you on a non-fault basis.
  7. Wherever possible, you should retain receipts for items of expenditure that you incur and for which you might wish to reclaim from the negligent driver.

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